34 Interesting Facts About Easter

  1. Easter is a Christian holiday that celebrates the resurrection of Jesus Christ.
  2. The date of Easter changes every year and is based on the lunar calendar.
  3. The word “Easter” comes from the Old English word “ฤ’astre” which was the name of a pagan goddess.
  4. Easter eggs are a symbol of new life and were originally painted red to represent the blood of Christ.
  5. The tradition of giving Easter eggs dates back to the 13th century.
  6. The largest Easter egg in the world was created in 2011 and weighed 7,200 kg.
  7. The Easter Bunny is a symbol of fertility and was introduced to the United States by German immigrants in the 1700s.
  8. The Easter Bunny originally laid eggs before becoming a symbol of egg-laying.
  9. In some European countries, it is traditional to burn an effigy of Judas on Easter Sunday.
  10. Hot cross buns are a traditional Easter food that has been around for over 500 years.
  11. The first Easter egg roll at the White House was held in 1878.
  12. The Easter Lily is a popular flower during Easter and symbolizes resurrection and hope.
  13. In Greek Orthodox tradition, Easter is called Pascha and is celebrated with special foods, music, and candlelight services.
  14. In Spain, the week leading up to Easter is called Semana Santa and is marked by elaborate processions and celebrations.
  15. In Italy, Easter is celebrated with the traditional dish of lamb or goat.
  16. In Poland, the tradition of ลšmigus-dyngus involves splashing water on people as a sign of purification.
  17. In Australia, Easter is celebrated with the Bilby, a native marsupial that has replaced the Easter Bunny.
  18. The Easter Bunny is not a popular tradition in France, where bells that have been silent during Holy Week are said to return on Easter Sunday.
  19. The tradition of the Easter parade dates back to the mid-1800s in New York City.
  20. In Finland, children dress up as witches and go door-to-door asking for treats on Easter Sunday.
  21. In Norway, it is traditional to read crime novels during the Easter holiday.
  22. The Ukrainian tradition of Pysanka involves decorating eggs with intricate designs using wax and dyes.
  23. In Germany, it is traditional to light bonfires on Easter Sunday as a symbol of the end of winter.
  24. The Easter candle represents the light of Christ and is lit during Easter Vigil services.
  25. The Easter Vigil service is the first celebration of Easter and takes place on Holy Saturday.
  26. The Easter Triduum includes Holy Thursday, Good Friday, and Holy Saturday, and is the most important time of the Christian year.
  27. In some cultures, it is traditional to paint eggs with different colors to represent different things such as love, wisdom, and wealth.
  28. In many countries, it is traditional to give Easter baskets filled with treats and small gifts.
  29. The Easter egg hunt is a popular tradition in many countries and involves hiding eggs for children to find.
  30. The largest Easter egg hunt in the world took place in Florida in 2007 and involved over 9,000 children.
  31. The largest chocolate Easter egg ever made weighed 15,873 pounds and was created in Italy in 2011.
  32. The tradition of the Easter bonnet dates back to the 1870s and involves wearing a hat decorated with flowers, ribbons, and other Easter-themed items.
  33. In some countries, it is traditional to bake a special bread called Pascha during the Easter holiday.
  34. The tradition of the Easter sunrise service dates back to the early Christian church