The 10 Most Amazing Facts About Taurus

10  Facts about Taurus

  1. It is a zodiac sign ruled by Venus along with Libra.
  2. Taurus will never talk about personal matters until they are very comfortable with you.
  3. In Western astrology, the Sun transits this zodiac sign approximately from April 21st to May 20th.
  4. He called it the “great bull of paradise” because at that time the sun was the rising star of the sun,
  5. The identity of Taurus is associated with bull worship from many myths and cultures.
  6. Taurus is one of the most basic signs of the zodiac, constantly attracting people in crisis.
  7. If a Taurus allows you inside, evaluate it because it does not happen often.
  8. Taurus has a strong memory, so do not be surprised if they bring something long ago.
  9. Taurus is very patient and always wears a mask to hide his frustration, but when they explode it is nuclear.
  10. Taurus takes criticism seriously because they give everything in everything they do.