20 Things You Didn’t Know About Vermont

20 Things You Might Not Know About Vermont

Vermont is known for its beautiful landscapes, friendly residents, and delicious food. What else makes this state unique? Vermont has a population of only 627,000 people, but it boasts over 2 million acres of land. The state is home to nearly 3,500 lakes, ponds, rivers, and streams. This is one of the fun facts about Vermont. In addition to being a great place to live, Vermont is also a great place to visit.

There are lots of fun facts about Vermont. Check out these interesting tidbits about the Green Mountain State.

  1. Vermonters eat more than their fair share of maple syrup. They consume an average of 473 gallons of pure maple syrup per capita each year! That’s almost as much as they drink in beer or wine combined.
  2. Vermont was named after Vt., the French form of the word “Wit-Suisse,” which translates to “Land of the Swiss People.”
  3. Ben & Jerry’s first scoop shop opened up on Waterbury Street in downtown Burlington in 1978. It was called the Ice Cream Shop. The founders named it that because they liked how water sounded when you said it fast.
  4. There are many different kinds of cheese produced in Vermont. Some of them include: cheddar, colby, gouda, parmesan, edam, mozzarella, and gorgonzola.

Producer of Maple Syrup

Maple syrup production is big business in Vermont. In fact, there are two companies that produce most of the country’s supply. Together they account for around 60 percent of all the syrup made in the United States.. Vermont is one of the top producers of maple syrup in the world. But, not every town takes part in the sugaring industry. New England towns like Brattleboro, Chester, Enosburg Falls, Hardwick, Hartford, Middlebury, Putney, Randolph, Saxtons River, St. Johnsbury, Stratton, Westminster, Woodstock, and Windsor have all banned the practice.

Vermont ranks third in the nation for apple production. Washington grows more apples than any other state. And, Vermont produces more apples than any other New England state. This is one of the fun facts about Vermont.

More than half of the trees in Vermont are white pines. Pine trees are very popular in Vermont. Many towns use pine needles instead of leaves to line city streets.

Vermont is the only state to border three national parks: Acadia National Park in Maine, Mount Snow in Massachusetts, and Katahdin Woods and Waters in Maine.

Lake Champlain

The largest lake entirely within a single U.S. state is Lake Champlain. At 1,098 square miles, it is larger than Rhode Island.

It is the second deepest lake in the United States. Its maximum depth is 725 feet below sea level.

Champlain originally meant “great river.” He named the lake after himself because he believed it would be a good source of drinking water. This is one of the fun facts about Vermont.

In 1609, Samuel de Champlain explored the area now known as Vermont. He discovered the lake while traveling through the region with his crew.

Today, Lake Champlain is used by boaters, swimmers, fishermen, and sailboats. A large number of islands dot its waters.

There are over 100 islands on Lake Champlain. Most of them are uninhabited. This is one of the fun facts about Vermont.

A few of the islands are home to small communities. These include Isle La Motte (population 2,000), Crown Point (population 3,500), and Grand Isle (population 5,000).

Vermont has no natural borders. However, the state does extend into Canada at several points. This is one of the fun facts about Vermont.

The international boundary runs along the crest of the Green Mountains. This mountain range separates Vermont from Quebec.

The highest point in Vermont is Jay Peak, located near North Troy. It reaches 6,643 feet above sea level.

The lowest point in Vermont is Lake Champlain. It is also the lowest point in the contiguous United States.

Vermont was once called New Connecticut. That name came from the Dutch who settled the area in the 1600s. They were looking for farmland and timber.

They found both. Today, much of what they planted still grows here.

Vermont has the longest coastline of any state in the union.

Many people think of Vermont as being cold. It actually gets quite warm during the summer months.

During the winter, temperatures can drop down to -40 degrees Fahrenheit. This is one of the fun facts about Vermont.

Vermont is bordered by five states: New Hampshire, Massachusetts, New York, New York, and Quebec.

Vermont’s population is just over 600,000. This is one of the fun facts about Vermont.

Vermont State House


The Vermont State House is the oldest continuously-used capitol building in the United States. It was built between 1791 and 1793.

The original structure burned down in 1812. The current version was completed in 1815.

The building features a dome and cupola.

The dome is covered with copper plates. When viewed from certain angles, it appears to glow in the dark.

The cupola is topped by an iron lantern.

The building houses many historic items. Some of these include the desk where George Washington signed the Declaration of Independence.

Also on display is the Bible owned by John Adams.

Other items include the chair where Abraham Lincoln sat when he delivered the Gettysburg Address.

The Old Senate Chamber.

This room was the first chamber of the Vermont General Assembly. It was designed by Benjamin Henry Latrobe.

Latrobe was born in England. He emigrated to America in 1790. This is one of the fun facts about Vermont.

He became famous as a designer of public buildings. His most famous work is the Capitol Building in Washington D.C.

The Old Senate Chamber is one of the best examples of Federal architecture.

It is decorated with paintings depicting scenes from American history.

One painting shows the signing of the Constitution. Another depicts the Battle of Lexington and Concord.

The third painting depicts the Battle of Bunker Hill.

The fourth painting shows the Battle of Saratoga.

The fifth painting shows the Battle of Trenton. This is one of the fun facts about Vermont.


I hope you enjoyed learning some interesting facts about Vermont. I learned a lot while doing this project.If you have any questions or comments, please leave them below. This is one of the fun facts about Vermont.

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