Top Trending Technologies in the world
Future ideas that will change the world Let’s see how the world is going to be resisted. Using new technology can take the world to the next level. 10 New technology in the world can be seen below. Let us see that new technology is not evil for us.
1. Spin Launch Rocket
Spin Launch launches rockets into space by spinning very fast. Ordinary rocket launches can save fuel. The idea may seem crazy to these humans, but in late October, Spin Launch conducted their first test and proved that their Suborbital Accelerator – the first step in developing a kinetic launch system to launch satellites into low Earth orbit. future ideas that will change the world.
2. Future Human
Engineering Arts have released a sneak preview of its latest robot, Amega, which claims to be the most advanced Android ever built. This engine will be on display at CES 2022. Founded in 2005, Engineering Arts is a UK-based company that designs and manufactures humanoid entertainment robots. Its first machine, the Robothespian, appeared on stage at the Eden Project in Cornwall. Since then, the company has installed more than 100 robots at exhibitions, science centers, theme parks, and other locations around the world. For years, its robots have had very realistic human movements and ways of interacting with people.
America, summarized in the video below, is the latest addition to the line – “the world’s most advanced humanoid robot, a leader in human-robotics technology.” Its features include advanced facial skills and movements, which are smoother and more natural-looking than previous generation human robots. Robot’s hardware and software systems are designed to be modular and easy to upgrade. So, for example, it can operate with one hand or even with its head. Engineer Arts plans to achieve this one day even though it is not currently possible to walk. The company explains on its website that “America’s main objective is to be a platform for developing AI”. “We love designing and building robots. We leave it up to you and all the other amazing (naturally intelligent) brains to develop AI and machine learning algorithms and see how far we can advance technology together.”
One commentator on YouTube writes: “It’s the eyes. People normally take for granted how important the eyes are to something alive.” Another writes: “Rapid movement, focus, blink, it seems like they are paying attention to anything that attracts their attention. “The third adds: “I seriously thought it was CGI at first. Great job! Hands are so good too.”Ameka offers a glimpse into what consumer robotics will look like in the not-too-distant future. Today, domestic robots are often limited to small devices such as rumba blanks, lawnmowers or baby toys. However, by 2045, realistic human androids may be relatively common.
3. Electric Air Taxis
10 new technologies that can change the world in the opposite period. Ascension Flight Technologies, based in Toulouse, France, has unveiled the astonishing design of its new hybrid-electric VTOL aircraft, ATEA. ATEA is a five-seater hybrid-electric aircraft capable of vertical takeoff and landing (VTOL). This concept stands out from the rest because it has a tandem wing configuration attached to the rotors, giving it an unusual look.

This concept is the result of three years of research and development, and it is called the “flight of tomorrow” because it reflects the company’s goal of assisting in the decarbonization of aircraft: the aircraft aims to reduce carbon emissions by 80 percent compared to traditional helicopter designs. .
4. Future Train
Future ideas that will change the world. This form of transport operates by combining the principles of Maglev trains and pneumatic tubes. It is a technology that was created to go faster in the future. Trains, or so-called vaccines, travel inside a closed tube, induced by magnetic fields and pushed forward. After passing through an airlock, the train carriages enter a complete vacuum inside the pipe. Without the friction of the wind to reduce the speed, the speed train can reach speeds beyond any conventional train system. The fastest tracks are now about 4,000 mph (6,400 km/h)*-five times faster than the speed of sound – compared to the 300 mph Maglev train a century ago.

At this level of speed, you can reach any city on the network in just a few hours, even if you are located on the other side of the planet. Many new routes are in the planning stages, including a system of truly massive overseas connections. This is possible due to its relatively affordable (10% cost of high-speed train), as well as its energy efficiency. Most of the energy can be regained by the track system as the train sets are easily accelerated after landing, slowing down, and slowing down. The modular design of the pipes helps to automate the construction.
5. Electric Ship
“We are proud to be able to showcase the world’s first fully electric and self-propelled container vessel,” said Svein Holsether, CEO of Yara International, a Norwegian chemical company. “It will reduce 1,000 tons of CO2 and convert 40,000 trips of diesel-powered trucks a year.” Future ideas will change the world.
Yara has been collaborating with maritime technology company Kongsberg since 2017 to build the ship, which sailed approximately 35 nautical miles (65 km) from Horton to Oslo. Powered by 7 MWh batteries, it uses an automatic identification system (AIS), cameras (including infrared), a lidar and a radar system. It will begin commercial operations in 2022 and will carry mineral fertilizers between ports in southern Norway at speeds of up to 15 knots (28 km / h).
“Norway is a largely maritime and maritime nation and other countries are seeking Norway for maritime solutions at sea. Yara Birkeland is the result of the strong knowledge and experience we have gained in the Norwegian maritime cluster and industry,” said Geir Håøy, CEO. Kongsberg Group. “This project demonstrates how we have developed the world’s leading innovation that contributes to green change and provides excellent export opportunities for Norwegian technology and industry.”
6. Future energy
Environment America, a non-profit organization dedicated to environmental research, has released its latest report: Renewable in 2021. It has been found that wind, solar and geothermal energy can meet all renewables if they continue to grow at their current annual rate of 15%. The U.S. needs electricity by 2035.
The discovery comes as Congress leaders are pushing for legislation to invest in a nationwide transition to clean electricity, and nine states have already enacted legislation guaranteeing 100% clean electricity.
“Renewable sources such as wind and sunlight are poised to play a key role in the future of US energy,” said Susan Rakov, head of the Clean Energy Program at the Center for Environmental Research and Policy in the United States. “And as these clean energy sources produce more and more of our energy, they are paving the way for other new technologies, such as electric cars and heat pumps, to replace dirt and obsolescence. Better, cleaner future.”
The report describes the progress made in six areas between 2011 and 2020: sunlight, wind, performance, electric vehicles, battery storage, and electric heat pumps. Key highlights include:
Solar capacity has increased 23-fold since 2011, enough to power the average American household of more than 12 million.
Wind power has almost tripled since 2011, enough to power more than 31 million households. By 2020, the share of wind in the country’s electricity will be 8.4%.
Energy efficiency projects now save enough electricity to power more than 2.5 million homes.
From 2011 to 2020, the number of battery-electric and plug-in hybrid vehicles sold in the United States increased 100-fold to nearly 1.7 million. Plug-in electric vehicle sales will cross 2 million by 2021.
Battery storage capacity has expanded more than 18 times from 2011 to 2020 and increased by 67% in 2020 alone.
• As the efficiency of heat pumps continues to improve they have become an attractive option across the country. Exports of efficient air source heat pumps almost doubled between 2011 and 2020, and increased by 10% in 2020 alone. One in ten American homes now includes a heat pump.
7. Space Nuclear Reactor
China’s space program has completed a prototype design for a powerful nuclear reactor, the South China Morning Post has reported. future ideas that will change the world. The country’s space program is developing the device in line with other aerospace companies, such as NASA, which has drawn up plans to go nuclear, and recently called on private companies to build a nuclear fission system within 10 months. Years. Last month, China sent its second crew to its space station. NASA recently postponed its Artemis Moon landings from the original release date of 2024 to 2025 due to a protracted legal dispute with Jeff Bezos’ Blue Origin over awarding a Moon Lander contract to SpaceX. NASA Administrator Bill Nelson has raised concerns that China could send humans to the moon before NASA returns to the moon.
8. Future City
Saudi Arabia this week announced the construction of an eight-sided city called OXAGON floating in the Red Sea, which, according to a press release, will run on completely clean energy. It is located on the edge of a new region called NEOM, which seeks to redefine the way in which humanity will live and function in the future, providing a more sustainable alternative to our current way of life.
OXAGON is the industrial city reimagined – a place that provides everything your business needs to push beyond traditional boundaries.@NEOMOXAGON#NEOM #OXAGON
— NEOM (@NEOM) November 16, 2021
“OXAGON will be the catalyst for economic growth and diversity in NEOM and the Kingdom, further meeting our ambitions under Vision 2030. OXAGON will contribute to redefining the world’s approach to industrial development in the future, protecting the environment while creating jobs and growth for NEOM. It will contribute to Saudi Arabia’s regional trade and commerce, and support creating a new focal point for global trade flows,” said the country’s Royal Highness Prince Mohammed bin Salman.
9.Future Sleep
The cryogenically frozen dead are being preserved in a clinic in Scottsdale, Arizona, in the hope that science may one day make enough progress to resurrect them. This unique cryonics clinic is run by the Alcor Life Extension Foundation and, surprisingly, many people, including some celebrities such as PayPal co-founder Peter Theil, spend hundreds of thousands of dollars to preserve their bodies here after death.future ideas that will change the world.
The idea of waking up in the future may seem like the best plot for a sci-fi movie or a novel but with cryonics, companies like Alcore are actually trying to do the same. Max Moore, a futurist and former CEO of Algore, believes that people can be saved from death. “In our opinion, it’s an arbitrary tax when we call someone dead. They really need redemption,” he said in an interview.
10. Future developing region
As a result of global warming, temperatures at the poles are higher than anywhere else in the world – with parts of western Antarctica now comparing to the climate of Alaska, Iceland, and northern Scandinavia. In some areas, surface ice melting has created conditions conducive to large-scale human habitation. The population of millions. Even the cultivation of crops and crops using genetic modification techniques is now possible in some parts of the north.
The rapid migration from countries around the world to this new opportunity land has created a diverse mix of peoples and cultures. In a way, the colonization of Antarctica was similar to that of the United States in the 18th and 19th centuries. High-density cities, albeit small ones, are becoming a cultural melting pots like London and New York. future ideas that will change the world.