A hybrid aircraft is one that flies with one or more energies. This Vox aircraft is capable of charging the battery while flying in the sky. a new hybrid aircraft 3 times faster than a helicopter is an aircraft designed for the future
The world’s first hybrid aircraft
This hybrid aircraft is now undetected. He was a victor in the struggle from 1989 to 2021. The so-called “M300” program. Vox has been planning and producing its vertical takeoff and landing aircraft for over 32 years.1989-2021 – 2020. “Our aircraft can travel at turboprop speeds and land on any helipad in the world,” Brian Morgan Rob, an engineer at COO and EVP in Vox, told a reporter. “It travels three times faster than a normal helicopter. With more comfort and the ability to fly above the weather, half of the same fuel can be charged using the battery while burning.
A New Hybrid Aircraft Is 3 Times Faster Than a Helicopter. The powertrain consists of electric lift rotor assemblies while using turbo soft thrusters for highly efficient and long-distance flight. The battery bank provides about eight minutes of power, while the same amount of time is in reserve. The aircraft recharges while flying forward.
Vox has been exploring SAF and hydrogen options, but starting with conventional fuel, the VTOL will go 400 miles (555 km) in 300 knots with an 800-pound load. A 250kW all-electric version will have a range of about 180 to 200 miles. The large fixed-wing also develops a 17-1 glide ratio, providing extra protection in the event of a mechanical failure.
The dual-power system and closed rotors can be used on a variety of airframes, so Vox has been developing everything from drone-sized versions to medium-sized commercial jets. The company hopes to fly in the air in 2022 and reach certification by 2026. It is said that this aircraft will be used in the future.
Concept Exploration
Started in 1989 to 1992. Early sketches of fixed-wing vertical take-off and landing airframes, as well as numerous ideas and equipment ratings for a way to modernize the VTOL aircraft concept. The so-called “M300” program. 10% POC airframe completed and first flight tests are very successful! A short video has been made to show you the highlights of these first flights. This is a 10% size version of one of our largest OMV airframe designs. The flight test will continue in the coming weeks and additional videos will be released, Vox said.
The company said aircraft manufactured using this VTOL technology could be used for the military. Vox said it will be released for public use next year. a new hybrid aircraft 3 times faster than a helicopter will be used in the future