Taiwan’s ‘Sun Rock’ Will Deliver 1.7 Million kWh Per Year

Sun Rock

With offices, a maintenance workshop, storage space, and a public gallery, Sunrock plan to operate Taiwan, Taiwan’s state-owned power company, located on the west coast of Taiwan. In anticipation of the planned transition to Taiwan’s green energy, Sun Rock Building focuses on making solar energy as efficient as possible, from its shape to its facade. Therefore, the building serves a definite purpose, and to inform the public of Taipei’s goals, a “statement in one building” source can generate 1.7 million power per year.

Can produce the equivalent of burning 85 tons of crude oil

This enhances the solar energy with a series of bleeds that support the photovoltaic panels on their upper surface (mixed with windows where needed). The angle of these folds is adjusted on all parts of the facade to increase the energy-generating capacity of the solar panels. As a result of these measures, the building will be able to support at least 4,000 square meters of PV panels, generating approximately 1 million kilowatt-hours of clean energy per year – equivalent to burning 85 tons of crude oil – and making the building fully self-sufficient. Further design options are under consideration, which will add even larger PV panels, showing that up to 1.7 million kWh per year can be generated to contribute energy to the calculations phase.


Located in the Changhua Coastal Industrial Park near Taichung, the main purpose of this building is the storage and maintenance of sustainable energy equipment. Taipei’s new facility site receives a significant amount of sunlight throughout the year, so the rounded shape of the Sun Rock is designed to maximize how much sunlight can be used for energy. On the south side, the building slowly descends, forming a large expanse directly facing the sun during the day. At the north end, the dome shape increases the area of ​​the building in the morning and evening sunlight.

What is MVRDV?

MVRDV’s “Sun Rock” is a structured statement for Taipei’s carbon-free future.
“Of course, we aim to make all of our projects as sustainable as possible. However, we see that the projects can go beyond being consistent within themselves. This project has the unique and attractive potential,” said Vine Mass, MVRDV’s corporate partner. “User is an energy company, which has allowed us to do more than usual. As a result, our design is entirely data-driven.It is always fun to look at the results when you allow analysis to be the deciding part of the design.