Top 13 Amazing Facts of the World That You Don’t Know

Top 13 Amazing Facts of the World

1. Did you know? Fire rainbow is a rare phenomenon that can occur when the sun has risen higher than 58° in the sky. This is one of the top 13 amazing facts of the world.

2. The horizontal line on the eyes means that the animal is ”prey” able to see the ground widely and find a place to escape or hide. The vertical line in the eyes means that the animal is a ”Hunter” to precisely find the target.

3. A study found 70% of girls during Teens wants more attention from guys, whereas when girl Matures her first priority is to be Respected.

4. If you trying to quit Smoking go for a Sauna bath for 3 days in a row. you’ll sweat out the Nicotine and it’ll be easier to Quit.

5. The color which we see when we close our eyes is called ”Eigengrau” which is different from black.

Did you know?

6. Beer is considered the third- most popular drink on Earth, after water and tea.This is one of the top 13 amazing facts of the world.

7. Laughing for fifteen minutes has the same health benefits as getting two extra hours of sleep.

8. This is how a thunderstorm looks like from the windows of the place.

9. Our mind has the ability to detect and sense danger. if your gut feeling tells something is wrong, never ignore that feeling.

10. Saudi Arabia once held a woman’s rights conference without a single woman attendees.

11. Most loved Shinchan was real who died at age of 5 while saving his younger sister ”Himawari” from being hit by a car.

12. World’s smallest poisonous Frog is less than a centimeter long and its skin is 200 times more toxic than MORPHINE.

13. Your nose is always visible to you. Your mind ignores it through a process called Unconscious selective Attention.This is one of the top 13 amazing facts of the world.


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